Nitrogen shelling malware from hacked sites Threat actors are using all the tools at their disposal to deliver malware. Malicious ads are only one step in… 3 minutes
2024 State of Ransomware in Education: 92% spike in K-12 attacks 2023 was the worst ransomware year on record for Education. 3 minutes
PikaBot distributed via malicious search ads PikaBot, a stealthy malware normally distributed via malspam is now being spread via malicious ads. 4 minutes
Malvertisers zoom in on cryptocurrencies and initial access Threat actors are increasingly placing malicious ads for Zoom within Google searches. 7 minutes
Malvertiser copies PC news site to deliver infostealer Users looking to download a popular PC utility may be tricked in this campaign where a threat actor has registered… 3 minutes
Using ChatGPT to cheat on assignments? New tool detects AI-generated text with amazing accuracy 3 minutes