How “EDR Extra Strength” simplifies traditional EDR complexity

How “EDR Extra Strength” simplifies traditional EDR complexity

Traditional Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) today has a three-fold complexity problem—with big consequences.

First, complexity in EDR deployment causes long delays, directly impacting ROI and leaving organizations vulnerable to breaches. In fact, almost 10 percent of small security teams cite such complexity as a primary reason for deployment setbacks. (Global Surveyz 2022)

Second, lack of integrated security tools within an EDR can lead security teams to overcompensate by buying and operating additional security platforms. This complexity multiplies operational overhead and creates gaps in security.

Dealing with day-to-day EDR complexity is a third challenge. A survey of 200 CISOs by Global Surveyz found that nearly half (45 percent) of small IT teams flag issues like excessive alerts and multiple dashboards as chief product concerns, culminating in alert fatigue and drops in productivity

To save time, money, and to stop more threats, IT teams need an EDR that resists complexity—one that’s easy to implement and straightforward to operate.

What is EDR Extra Strength?

The solution is EDR Extra Strength.

EDR Extra Strength combines the award-winning threat detection of Malwarebytes EDR, with Alert Prioritization and Guided Remediation, and Vulnerability & Patch Management. EDR Extra Strength offers a singular, cost-effective strategy for organizations looking for in-depth security.

Instead of navigating through multiple platforms, each with their own separate cost and learning curve, organizations can now harness the unified strength of all-in-one protection with EDR Extra Strength—boosting visibility and protection at a cost that makes sense.


With the average deployment timeline for traditional EDRs stretching up to 18 months for small security teams, the need for a swifter solution is clear.

Simply put, smaller teams just can’t afford extensive learning curves, which perhaps is why, from a financial standpoint, they prioritize implementation costs (50 percent) in their endpoint security more than anything else. (Global Surveyz) 

Malwarebytes EDR, the cornerstone of EDR Extra Strength, takes the complexity out of EDR deployment as evidenced by an average time to become fully operational that is two times shorter than the industry average.

Cloud-hosted on the Nebula platform, EDR Extra Strength core technology can deploy within minutes and has won multiple G2 awards for its unique combination of rapid time to go live and time to ROI, all delivered via an agent deployed with a small footprint.


Managing too many platforms is challenging. Each additional security tool requires its own set of configurations, updates, and management protocols, ultimately translating to longer response times, inefficient workflows, and an inability to have a unified view of the threat landscape.

According to Global Surveyz, 77 percent of small security teams ranked a ‘one-stop’ product with the ‘most integrated’ features as one of their top considerations when choosing a new security technology. In addition, 80 percent of CISOs recognize vendor consolidation as an avenue for more efficient security. 

And, once you consider that over 5 percent of breaches in 2022 came from known vulnerabilities that had yet to be patched—and that the average cost of those breaches was $4.17 million—it goes without saying that Vulnerability and Patch Management needs to be part of any all-in-one security solution today.

By combining Endpoint Protection (EP), EDR, and an award-winning Vulnerability and Patch Management solution, EDR Extra Strength gives IT teams the ‘one-stop’ product they need to streamline detection and response through a single pane of glass.

Day-to-Day Operation

It’s not hard to see why Gartner ranks ease-of-use as the top buying priority in the endpoint protection platform. Daily struggles related to navigation, excessive alerts, and an inability to view the full picture of a digital environment are often symptoms of a complicated-to-use EDR.

The core technology of EDR Extra Strength has won awards for end-user focused attributes (Ease of Use, Meets Requirements, Quality of Support), and administration-specific attributes (Ease of Admin, Ease of Setup, Ease of Doing Business With). 

In addition, EDR Extra Strength provides meaningful contextualization for analyst actions with its Alert Prioritization and Guided Remediation feature, helping to reduce alert fatigue and time-to respond associated with complex EDR. Learn more about Alert Prioritization and Guided Remediation here.

Try EDR Extra Strength today

The complexity challenges in EDR deployment, integration, and day-to-day use have big consequences for organizations, ultimately leading to wasted time and money.

EDR Extra Strength addresses this three-fold EDR complexity by combining multiple effective and easy-to-use products under one hood, harnessing the power of award-winning EDR, Vulnerability and Patch Management, and Alert Prioritization and Guided Remediation to boost security without added complexity.

Learn more about EDR Extra Strength here.